About Us

What Drives Us:

At PFP, we are driven to uniting organizations and fostering long-needed collaborative growth and healing. We are driven to innovate and improve working conditions and accessibility to employment. We are driven to erase food, housing, and financial insecurities for all people, especially those who have been marginalized.

What do we do here?

We have three main objectives here at PFP:

  1. Unite aligned organizations under our coalitions which collaborate on an ongoing basis.

  2. Audit, consult, and train outside companies to improve their human practices.

  3. Provide action-based support, engagement, and resources for our communities.

PerfectlyFlawed Productions is a for-profit company which builds nationwide coalitions of organizations with aligned domains of interest.

These coalitions engage in consistent and frequent collaboration and annual summits to improve practices and services offered.

As a product of the collaborative work of the coalitions, PFP provides communal space for workshops, groups, and projects offered directly to our community .

Another product of the collaborative work of the coalitions, PFP provides audits, consultations, and trainings to outside companies to solve today’s most challenging business struggles.

As a result of this collaborative work, PFP and our sister non-profit, PerfectlyFlawed People’s Foundation, will be able to provide social relief and resources which aid in lifting people out of poverty in real and impactful ways.

Meet Our Executive Co-Directors

Cassandra Bergman

Jayme Hibbard

  • Born a mixed race, queer, genderfluid, humanitarian, activist, artist, builder, dreamer, avid learner, healer, nurturer, leader, and philanthropist, Jayme is the founder and Executive Co-Director of PerfectlyFlawed. Neurodivergent and a single mother, she brings with her lived and work experiences in human services, non-profits, small family business, surviving brain injury and other traumas, low-income living, chronic illnesses, food and housing insecurities, gardening and farming, construction, addiction recovery, community building, fundraising, water & land preservation, climate action, and local politics. Her resilience, determination, resourcefulness, and drive to collaborate ensure PFP’s future success.

    “After my most recent brain injury, preluded by a lifetime of struggle and then COVID, I found myself in one of the most impossible places millions of people experience everyday - being unable to work a conventional full-time job that actually pays the bills, struggling to recover on my own while still being responsible for a teenager, our pets, and all our bills. The “resources” people say are out there to help people like me in that situation are slim to non-existent. Months spent trying to find some kind of way to immediately rescue my little family from total imminent ruin left me faced with my own very real barriers and ongoing challenges making it more imperative I build a team that could support each other in whatever work we did. I also couldn’t stop thinking about how could I help others struggling so hard to find enough security to thrive? With a little guidance from some truly amazing mentors, the concept for PerfectlyFlawed was born.

    “I am committed to honesty, respect, balance, and love and strive to build a global community centered on equity, healing, total wellness, opportunity, and security. My mission is to ensure PFP becomes a household name and social influencer by being the best steward I can through my leading, teaching, learning, collaborating, uniting, creating, and listening to leave behind a family and a company that will save and improve the lives of billions.”


  • Cassandra is a biracial woman, and despite the hardships she has endured, she has survived and learned through it all. Beyond her exterior she is part of the neurodivergent LGBTQ+ community, a leader, authentic, determined, empathetic, resilient, a listener and supporter. She brings with her an abundance of life and work experiences around mental health, peer support, cats, suicide prevention, conflict resolution, poetry, hotlines, human services, management, martial arts, fencing, and Sims. She is fiercely dedicated to her community and those she holds closest. Her organization, attention to detail, eagerness to learn, resilience and resourcefulness has earned her the title of Executive Co-Director of PerfectlyFlawed and solidifies PFP’s strong foundation for a successful future.

    “I came to PFP very much in the background just listening in. After taking some time to observe, I came to see PFP was different than the other peer support spaces I have been to. For one, it wasn’t all about groups, and the whole sociocracy structure seemed to be a big improvement from the hierarchy systems and alike that I have been exposed to. I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of, so I started off small and did a few surveys, plugged in some resources, and filled in when I could. The more I became involved with PFP the more I saw potential for the impact PFP will have and I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I became the Workshop Coordinator. While that was a good time, I could see that a need for an assistant was needed given the grass roots status of PFP, so I volunteered as Interim Executive Assistant. Since that time, my passion for PFP has only grown and it became evident that I couldn’t put this down, so here I am as Executive Co-director.

    “I am a dedicated individual committed to learning, advocating for human rights, and respecting others' beliefs with kindness. I challenge my beliefs and value autonomy, honesty, loyalty, attentive listening, empathy, adaptability, and validation. I prioritize personal growth and mental health through holistic methods and remain open-minded and self-respecting. I strive to lead positive change, share knowledge, seek out creative adventures, and learn from animals and nature. My overall mission is to create a harmonious environment free from distractions, seek fulfillment, and lead a prosperous life through personal growth and joyful experiences.”


Why We Are Here

  • At the height of the most extreme social disconnection between generations ever seen, there has also been a sharp widening of the gap between employment offering financial security and those qualified to obtain this employment. Access to learning new skills and employers failing to evolve in the ways employees need are compounding this problem. The result of this can be measured in losses in revenue and profits, and rising food and housing insecurities, poverty, mental health conditions, and suicide at alarming rates. 

    While the people are struggling, businesses too are facing their fair share of new pressures and challenges. High turnover, losses in sales, poor customer experience, flooded markets, and failing to understand the current evolution of commerce are common problems businesses of all sizes are trying to navigate. Roughly 50% of all small businesses fail in their first 5 years. With a variety of different factors which may contribute to these struggles, the fact is that they cost billions in lost revenue every year. 

    The core of these problems is a lack of unity and collaboration. Independently, businesses struggling and people struggling both look like insurmountable challenges with no end in sight. Looking closer, we can also see that the worse one domain gets, the worse it makes the other. When people struggle, so do businesses, and vice versa. Currently, there is a disconnect between organizations, companies, government agencies, and the American people. 

  • Currently, 67% of our American population survives on less than $60,000 a year per household. The average cost of living ranges from $38,266 for a single person to $85,139 for a family of four. To live comfortably in a city, an individual needs to earn roughly $96,500 annually. Only 65 million people receive social assistance, such as food stamps, and the average participant can become dependent on such programs for 6-13 years on average. Only about 6.7 million people access peer support services of any kind. And while the percentage of U.S. adults receiving mental health treatment increased from 19.2% in 2019 to 21.6% in 2021, 42% of U.S. adults with a diagnosable condition reported in 2023 that they could not afford to access the treatment they needed.

    What do all these numbers indicate? That a great number of Americans are struggling to survive and the odds seem to be stacked against them. Despite this, or maybe because of this, Americans are also fighting to make it through and maybe make things just a little bit better in the end. We see this evidenced by more than 5 million new small businesses coming to market every year and new charitable nonprofits emerging at a rapid rate as well, particularly since COVID struck. The trouble is, many of these new products, services, and jobs remain out of reach for millions of people to access and thus generate business and social value that sustains. 

  • We want to fix this. To start, we are forming coalitions of organizations, businesses, and initiatives under common domains. These coalitions and their community members continuously collaborate through groups, workshops, other projects, and annual summits to better get to know one another and to learn from and with each other. Utilizing the breadth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience of our coalitions and community members, we special cater audits, consultations, and trainings for companies to help them in overcoming their unique challenges. The result of this is a symbiotic relationship between the business world and the community at large. This relationship allows an exchange of information of what employers are seeking in employees and what employees and customers are seeking in companies, thus creating mutual stability and success. 

    Another result of this relationship is our ability to provide our community with the resources they need to heal, grow, and connect. We are an agency of direct action, finding ways to remove or reduce the barriers folks face in getting their most basic needs met. We have big plans for our community, and we are prepared to do the work to get there. Beyond our workshops and other learning opportunities, we are generating robust and unique concepts for housing access, food sharing, transportation access, 1:1 action-based peer support, community cash infusions, and rebuilding localized communities with the guidance of the folks living there.

    We believe in the collective wisdom and goodness of people, and we are here to bring us together with the things that matter to us all. 

What Makes Us Different?

We are unique in our scope and approach.

We aren’t reinventing any wheels. Rather, we have developed a plan that will create new nationwide directories which currently do not exist and finally unite the common interests and actions of businesses, nonprofits, and the people which comprise our society.

Prior to direct contact, people can see themselves in the name of our company.

We are maintaining real human connection during a time of rapidly developing AI.

Our rigorous business plan pushes our staff to achieve larger benchmark goals earlier which will solidify PFP’s foundations across all our efforts and allow for continued steady growth for years to come.

PFP is leading the way in new hiring practices which place great value on the experiences, motivations, personalities, and goals people bring rather than demographics beyond their control such as race, age, or financial resources that allow for certificates or degrees.

This means all our staff have lived experiences making them uniquely qualified for their position and the mission of our company.

Our governance model is made of councils, which decentralizes power, unites teammates, increases productivity, and gives voice to those most invested and affected. 

All our staff own shares in the company for the duration of their continued work with us.

PFP hosted groups, social spaces, and other collaborative spaces are open to all generations and aim to help facilitate connections and support across demographics.

Our drive is to bring other organizations to us rather than separate ourselves as a stand-alone company.