PerfectlyFlawed Careers

Why Pursue a Career with PerfectlyFlawed?

Joining our founding team is an opportunity you won’t find anywhere else. By engaging at an early stage, you will gain enhanced creative autonomy and the potential for a greater impact.

When we ask you to join our team, we are offering a career, partial ownership of the company, and wages which reflect your personal financial goals.

  • As we are in the early stages of development, many processes have yet to be established. Consequently, regardless of your job position, you will have the opportunity to create and implement systems that align with your vision. This contrasts with more established companies, where processes are already in place, and your role may focus more on adapting and refining existing procedures rather than creating new ones.

  • As we are starting up, we will have just a handful of people. This means that each voice will have a larger impact than if we had more employees. This also means that as part of the following amendments you will be asked to work in domains outside of your job description, giving you opportunities to provide insights, within a variety of different spaces, resulting in positively impacting the outcome of policies outside of your domain.

  • The organization offers a distinctive perspective within the workforce. We implement a sociocratic governance model, which has been adopted by only a limited number of businesses, and simply means people (socio) govern (-cratic). This unique approach is reflected in our practices and policies. Notable aspects of our approach include our emphasis on drivers as opposed to traditional mission statements, our innovative approach to salary determination, and our commitment to promoting a genuine work/life balance for our employees. We firmly believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of the limitations typically associated with traditional workplaces. Our efforts are focused on creating an environment where all individuals can succeed and contribute to our vision of transforming the way society views and treats its workforce.

Please Be Advised:

At this time, we are in the beginning stages of our hiring process. This means that paid employment may not begin until the end of fall 2024 or winter 2025, depending on position.

If you are able and interested in working part time as a volunteer as we prepare for payroll, we encourage you to let us know during your interview and on your application.

Our Hiring Process:

  1. Qualifications Self Check

  2. Submit Application

  3. Schedule First Interview

  4. First Interview

  5. Aptitude Testing & Reference Checks

  6. Second Interview

  7. The Decision

Objectives & Amendments

  • Our objective is to ensure that all duties and responsibilities outlined in the individual job descriptions are aligned. To achieve this, it is essential to fill multiple positions to adequately support and efficiently operate the infrastructure of PFP. We aim for the majority of job descriptions to accurately reflect actual responsibilities by early 2026.

    The duties and responsibilities associated with each executive title are currently aspirational. At this stage, many of the outlined responsibilities do not have the necessary processes fully in place. As a grassroots company, we are in a phase of growth and development, and your support is essential in this process. This may require collaboration beyond your specific job title.

    If you encounter a task outside of your assigned responsibilities that you are uncomfortable with, we encourage you to discuss it with us so we can explore alternative options. Should you feel unequipped to undertake tasks outside of your domain at this time, please communicate this on your application. In such instances, we may recommend postponing your start until our company is further established, allowing us to retain you in any potential roles.

  • The current goal is to secure early investors and be able to adequately compensate up to 5 full-time employees by November 2024. The next goal will be to continue adding 5 more full-time employees per quarter through the end of 2025 and into 2026 until our skeleton staff is fully established and compensated to our standards. Our end goal is to have individualized salary goal plans for each employee based on their own financial wants and needs. 

    We are currently working diligently towards securing funding by November. However, please be advised that the funding we anticipate at that time may be limited and may not align with the starting salary for your position or cause us to slow down with hiring more people for the team. It is important to note that this does not reflect the value our team brings but rather is a result of PFP's grassroots status. The more support we receive, the quicker we can obtain full funding and staffing. Thank you for your understanding.

Application Process & Onboarding

Applying for a job isn't easy. We get; we've been there. And we understand that probably the most anxiety provoking part of the process is simply not knowing what to expect from the company requesting your very personal information. We'd like to help ease that anxiety just a bit if we can.

  • There may be situations in which you discover that a job description aligns closely with your interests, skills, and qualifications, yet you find yourself ineligible due to a specific requirement. In such cases, we encourage you to apply regardless, as we may be able to offer alternative solutions to fulfill that requirement. If no accommodations can be made, we are still interested in your application, as there may be opportunities to pair you with another team member to address any gaps. The removal of certain tasks from the job description may impact the offered salary, but we are committed to having an open discussion regarding this with you during the interview process. Additionally, if these options do not prove viable, we would be happy to explore other job titles that may be a better fit for your qualifications.

  • We are looking for individuals who are passionate about helping others and making a positive impact on the world.

    Required Eligibility for All Positions:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization or the willingness and ability to learn how to use such software programs. *

    • The ability to keep records and documentation pertaining to your domain organized. *

    • The ability to effectively communicate with a variety of other professionals and community members. *

     If you do not meet the qualifications for a starred skill listed under required eligibility but possess the appropriate educational qualifications, please refer to our accommodations section above, as we may still be able to consider you for the position at PerfectlyFlawed which you are interested in.

     If you do not meet the qualifications for this position due to an unstarred skill or do not fulfill the educational requirements, we encourage you to explore other employment opportunities within PerfectlyFlawed Productions. Should you be uncertain about which position may align with your qualifications, you are welcome to submit a general application, provided you meet the basic eligibility requirements outlined above.

  • Before submitting your application, we ask that you review the eligibility self-check above to ensure you meet our basic requirements. Below, you will find a link to our hiring application form. On it, we ask some fairly basic questions which are intended to get to know you as a person, your interests, and what skills you may have. You may notice that there is nowhere to attach a resume or any other type of professional documents. This is intentional. If you truly would like us to see these documents, we encourage you to bring them with you to your interview. Once you submit your application, a copy of your answers will be emailed to you so that you may see exactly what we see.

    You may also access the link to our application here:

  • It is up to you to schedule your interviews.

    Below, you will find a link for scheduling. After your application has been submitted, visit the scheduling link. On this page, you'll select a time for your first interview. As soon as you submit your appointment time, a Zoom link will be emailed to you (and us). If for some reason we are unable to hold your interview, we will contact you within 48-72 hours to discuss options.

  • During your first interview, we'll make sure the information on your application is correct, and then we'll ask you a small handful of questions intended to get to know you. We're interested in what's most important to you, what your personal goals are, what experiences you've had, what kind of hobbies you might enjoy, and a couple of unexpected but fun questions. We're looking to create a space where we can all get to know each other and just discuss what matters.

  • After your first interview, we will share a form with you for taking a couple of quick aptitude and personality tests and submitting your results. These are not to create exclusionary criteria. These are only to help us better understand where you might best fit at PFP and how we can best support you in doing that job.

    While you're doing your aptitude and personality tests, we will contact your two references. The questions we have for them take less than ten minutes. We expect your references to say good things about you. We're curious to see which of those good things about you jump out to them as things we should know.

  • Once your test results have been received and your references have been checked, we will email you either apologizing for being unable to offer you the position or asking for you to use our scheduler to book your second interview.

    During your second interview, we are looking to create a dialogue about our culture, operations, and structure of PFP. We will ask questions intended to better understand how you as an individual work and how to better cater the position you are pursuing to your skills, goals, and work style.

  • After your second interview is complete, we will hold an internal review of your application. The Executives involved will discuss all aspects of your application and make a decision about your fit with PFP. This process could take up to two weeks to ensure due process.

    We may respond in a variety of ways. We may offer you the position discussed during your interview without any amendments. We may offer a different position which we think would be a better fit. We may ask to hire you a little further down the road. And in some cases, we may not be able to find a mutually agreeable fit.

    No matter what, if candidates show us that they have the dedication to PFP and our community and the willingness collaborate and learn, we will do our best to find a way to accommodate hiring them.

  • Once offered a position, we will look to schedule time to discuss your future with PFP.

    Once we get through the standard logistics of onboarding a new hire into our systems, we will collaborate with you to frame out the specifics of your job, a training schedule, supervision, benefits, time off, goals, and anything else that may need to be discussed and decided prior to starting work.

    All of our positions come with a 90-day probationary period and review to complete our training process, activate certain benefits, and reassess job fit and accommodation needs.

Why Work at PerfectlyFlawed?

  • We believe that the staff at a company are the company itself. To validate this belief, we have considered a large range of potential benefits for working at PFP.

    For starters, we grant all of our employees temporary ownership of shares of the company for the duration of employment. This means everyone earning a paycheck also earns annual profits from the company's business success.

    This also means that all employees are included in shareholder meetings, and they hold the right to participate in policy changes and collective bargaining.

    We also believe in employment that fits both the work needing to be done and the person doing the work. This means that we take a collaborative approach with a new employee to best cater their job duties and responsibilities to their personal ways of functioning.

    Compensation - In today's economy, this can be a tough subject. As a for-profit company, we do want to ensure that the company is earning equity for all of its shareholders but not at the expense of our employees gaining a livable wage. To us, a "livable wage" means more than just the dollars, it's also the sense of it.

    All of our employees are hired with salary pay as full-time employees; however, actual hours of work are self-determined. Bottom line, we work as a large team made of smaller teams. This means that we set goals and have regular meeting times, but the work we have to do on our own is done when we are each able to and at our own paces. If one of us is struggling to meet the goals with the team, then we work together as a team to find the best ways to support each other and reach the goals together. We understand that life happens and that some parts of a project can be particularly challenging. But we don't believe is punishing people for being people.

    That said, we also have "forced" vacation time for all employees. Passionate work is taxing, even when it's the thing we love doing most. We require all of our employees to take a full week off once a quarter. As a salaried employee, this is automatically paid time off.

    As far as the dollars of it, PFP aims to work with you to aid in achieving your personal financial goals. We will have frank discussions about how much you want to make and how we can get there together.

    Healthcare & 401(k) - Two of the most standard and important parts of a benefit package are health insurance and retirement funds. When shopping insurance plans, we look for the best possible coverage to make sure that our employees can afford and access their healthcare. PFP looks to cover 80-90% of employee premiums. As for retirement, PFP will match your contributions to your 401(k) at 150%.

    Group Term Life Insurance - An optional benefit add-on, employees contribute 5% of the premium for up to $15,000 of term life insurance for the duration of employment with us. What does this mean? If you should pass away while employed by PFP, this insurance would pay up to $15,000 to your chosen benefactor. Typically, this type of insurance is utilized for final expenses, but that isn't required.

    At-Will Savings - We know that saving money can be truly difficult. That's why we have an optional at-will savings option available to all employees. You choose your post-tax deduction amount which goes into a savings account we hold. Withdrawals may only be made once per calendar year. Choosing to add this benefit will also cause PFP to add an employer contribution to either a dependent care account or as additional contribution to your at-will savings account.

    Another optional post-tax deduction is your charitable donation to our sister nonprofit, PerfectlyFlawed People's Foundation. If you choose to make this contribution, PFP will add on company contribution of a transitional savings account. The savings PFP puts in this account on your behalf are only accessible when you move on from PFP. This is intended to give the former employee a bit of financial cushion while transitioning into new employment or retirement.

    As shareholders, our employees are entitled to a few special clauses. Our retirement clause grants permanent ownership over a portion of their shares with options to purchase the remainder of their shares at a severely discounted rate. Our senior employee clause honors our elders and the lifetime of work they have already given to the community by making certain qualifications (such as length of employment) of the retirement clause exempt to them. Lastly, our fallback clause respects that some of our employees may wish to continue building their career beyond their time with PFP and we want to support this growth. We also understand that choosing to leave one job and start a new one can be a big risk. When an employee chooses to move on from PFP on good terms, they will have a grace-period of time in which they may be able to return to work at PFP if their new endeavors do not work out.

    Our aim is to create a working team that genuinely loves the work we do and can thrive at work and at home as a result.

  • We have some ambitious goals to make some real impact in the world. As a part of our company, you will have a direct influence in making these goals happen.

    Reaching our goals, by 2035:

    • We will have 63 Full Time Employees with collective earnings over $40M in that period.

    • We will have been able to house a minimum of 500 people in need of safe shelter with more than a thousand folks on the road to their own housing within the next couple of years. We’ll have raised more than $13M for this part of our community. 

    • We will have put more than $3.7M cash in the hands of our limited resources community members. 

    • We will have united more than 1,000 companies, organizations, and initiatives under our coalitions. 

    • We will have hosted more than 40 Coalition Summits, more than 4,500 hours of collaborating, reaching many thousands, if not millions, of people. 

    • We will have been able to offer over 40,000 hours in free or nominally priced workshops to the community.

    • We will have funneled roughly $500,000 into our partner, PerfectlyFlawed People’s Foundation, making it possible for PFPF to create the Accessibility Fund and begin some real social relief action work. This will also give the foundation better traction for attracting larger donors. 

    • We will have audited and trained within more than 200 businesses and organizations and thousands of employees (bare minimum!) making real time improvements from the wisdom and insights of our community. 

    • And we would just be getting started! 

What do we do here?

We have three main objectives here at PFP:

  1. Unite aligned organizations under our coalitions which collaborate on an ongoing basis.

  2. Audit, consult, and train outside companies to improve their human practices.

  3. Provide action-based support, engagement, and resources for our communities.

Open Positions

  • Job Brief:We are seeking a highly organized and financially literate person to be responsible for managing PerfectlyFlawed’s finances such as preparing, examining, maintaining, and reporting financial records, identifying areas of risks and growth, providing financial advice, and leading and attending the appropriate councils. 

    Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Maintain the general ledger 

      • Use the general ledger to record all financial transactions made by PerfectlyFlawed. 

    • Financial Reporting

      • Prepare financial statements to ensure they comply with state and local regulations. 

    • Provide financial advice

      • Offer financial advice to the appropriate domains to assist PerfectlyFlawed in making informed financial decisions.

    • Identity areas of potential risk and opportunity

      • Report any identifiable risks and opportunities to the appropriate domains.

    • Audit and Assurance 

      • Scrutinize PerfectlyFlawed’s financial process and control to ensure the company discloses accurate and appropriate information. 

    • Attend business, executive, and planning council 

      • Participate and offer financial guidance in business, executive, and planning councils. 

    • Lead Business Council

      • Work with the Clerk to lead and support the planning council. Maintain any Business Council records such as financial decisions, agendas, and meeting minutes. 

    • Report to Executive Directors 

      • Any questions or concerns, personally or financially,  are to be reported to the co-directors. 

    • Supervision of financial administrators 

      • This role will require the supervision of financial administrators. 

    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation organized.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization.

    • Technical accounting knowledge.

    • In-depth knowledge of accounting processes.

    • A solid understanding of budget planning and finances.

    • Ability to analyze and provide financial insights and recommendations.

    • The ability to understand and mitigate treasury risks. 

    • Insights into new potential accounting software available to PFP. *

    • Understanding of investment management. *

    • Understanding of banking rules and regulations. *

    • Thorough comprehension of tax law(s) *

    • The ability to communicate complex financial information effectively to a variety of audiences. *

    *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family/community gatherings 

    • Project management experience 

    General Technical Skills:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    *Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as accounting, finance, economics, or business administration.

      • A master's degree in finance or business is a plus.

    • Certified Personal Accountant (CPA) 

    • 4+ years of managing finances for a small business regardless of education level. 

    Lived Experiences:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Managing household budgeting and spending 

    • Supervisor or managerial roles in the same or other fields of study 

    • Project management experience 

    Special Skills & Interests:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    Puzzles, Budgeting, Well-organized, Creative, Critical Thinker, Problem Solver, Attention to Detail, Data analysis 

    Awards and Accomplishments:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Any mathematic or financial-related award 

    • Any accomplishments related to financial stability or assets

  • Job Brief: We are looking for a creative and innovative individual to manage our technology needs for both short-term and long-term planning. This position entails ongoing collaboration with team members. Responsibilities will encompass the management of the PerfectlyFlawed website, social media accounts, and technology-related advertising initiatives, along with the supervision of appropriately assigned personnel. Furthermore, the position will require guiding and engaging in relevant councils as necessary.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Hire and train staff

      • Assist with hiring and training staff for the technology team at PFP.

    • Leadership & Supervision 

      • Lead and supervise the Information Technology department, including staff management and skill development. 

    • Strategic planning

      • Develop and implement the PFP's Information Technology (IT) strategy and vision.

    • Keep the utilized technology programs and systems updated  

      • This includes keeping up with the latest technologies and trends. 

    • Project management

      • Oversee IT projects from conception to completion, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and meet PFP’s standards and requirements.

    • Budgeting and financial management

      • Work with the accountant on staff to estimate costs and budgets for technology needs. Include a budget for the year. 

    • Communication

      • Communicate the implementation of new technology resources to the community and beyond. 

    • Collaborate with other domains 

      • Understand the technology needs of each domain within PFP and work closely with them to develop appropriate IT solutions.

    • Oversee maintenance of hardware

      • Maintain existing programs and ensure they receive any necessary updates.

    • Lead implementation of new technologies

      • Guide the selection and installation of new software, hardware, and technology processes.

    • Establish relationships and collaborate with external vendors and advisors.

      • Overseeing vendors specifically for our virtual platforms and incorporating non-virtual private vendors onto our virtual platforms.

    • IT security

      • Develop IT security policies, manage applications and their security, and assess IT risks. 

    • Analyze requirements for IT systems

      • Determine business requirements for IT systems.

    • Data privacy

      • Keep data private and secure.

    • IT Infrastructure

      • Ensure the organization's technological infrastructure functions seamlessly.

    • Disaster recovery plan 

      • Ensure the company has a suitable disaster recovery policy and adequate contingency plans.

    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices. 

    • Understand technology concepts.

    • In-depth knowledge of technology processes.

    • A comprehensive understanding of the software and hardware tools pertinent to PFP.

    • Ability to analyze and provide insights and recommendations based on knowledge of IT operations within PFP.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks. *

    • The ability to keep IT records and documentation organized. *

    • The ability to communicate company information effectively to a variety of audiences. *

    *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family/community gatherings 

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    *Required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    *Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as computer science or information technology.

    • A master's degree in a relevant field is a plus.

    • Any two IT relevant certifications: Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified IT Manager (CITM), Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), or any other relevant information technology certificate. 

    • 4+ years of managing the IT department for a small business. 

    Lived Experiences:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Operating a smartphone or computer regularly. 

    • Utilizing software or hardware programs for personal or familial use. 

    • Demonstrating or instructing an individual on a technology-related task.

    • Personal project management experience utilizing technology.

    • Utilizing technology to improve your personal or professional life. 

    Special Skills & Interests:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    Video Gaming, Programming, Coding, Data Analysis, Project Management, Social Media, Technical Writing, Graphic Design, Website Management, Artificial Intelligence, Organizing, Data Science, Problem-Solving, Data Security, Attention to Detail

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Provided guidance on system implementation and technology solutions that enhanced the efficiency of IT processes.

    • Successfully integrated multiple technology platforms.

    • Deployed cyber security measures, that reduced system vulnerabilities.

    • Improved IT efficiency through the implementation of new technology.

    • Successfully managed a team of IT professionals to provide exceptional customer service and effectively address all IT-related concerns.

    • Coordinated cross-functional teams of developers, analysts, and business stakeholders to ensure high-quality project outcomes.

    • Successfully executed a company-wide IT restructure to align with business objectives.

    • Conducted comprehensive system analysis resulting in an improvement in system performance.

    • Implemented new reporting systems that boosted data accessibility and reduced manual data entry time.

    • Managed the successful upgrade of a company-wide operating system.

    • Troubleshot hard and software issues for a team.

    • Managed an annual IT budget and cut departmental costs.

    • Managed the design and deployment of a company-wide disaster recovery plan.

  • Job Brief:We are seeking an individual with lived experience in the mental health field who is passionate about helping others in need of support. This role involves maintaining rapport within the Peer Leadership Team and soliciting feedback from the community. Responsibilities will also include providing assistance through supervision in accordance with PerfectlyFlawed processes, values, and drivers. 

    Job Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Determine the needs of the community 

      • Identify the support needs of the peer community through collaboration and open dialogue.

    • Prioritizing

      • Prioritize the collective needs of the larger population rather than individualized needs to maximize overall impact.

    • Co-lead Support Council 

      • Co-lead the development, design, and implementation of the Support Council in collaboration with the Accessibility Officer.

    • Assist with programming 

      • Aid 1:1 supporters, group peer supporters, and peer leads in development, design, and implementation of programs associated with their domain. 

      • This will include the development, design, and implementation of a PFP peer support certification. 

    • Delegating

      • Assist in delegating duties among peers. 

    • Supervise peer support staff

      • Clearly relay the organization's drive, vision, values, concepts and strategic plan to the group and 1:1 peer support staff and leads. 

      • Communicate assignments, projects, and service issues to your team, along with time frames. 

      • Be accessible to your team for debriefing sessions and feedback as needed.

    • Mentoring

      •  Serve as a mentor and team leader for other peer support specialists. 

    • Maintain confidentiality

      • Uphold the confidentiality of all personal information obtained through peer support services 

      • Ensure all electronically stored data, as well as data stored by any other means, complies with the relevant confidentiality policies and regulations.

    • Analyze information and provide insights

      • Analyze information and provide recommendations to improve accessibility to peer support services.

    • Legal Understanding

      • Understand and learn about legal standards associated with providing peer support.

    • Reporting

      • Develop and submit monthly reports that outline the activities of the month for your respective domains. 

    Required Eligibility:

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Familiarity with accessibility best practices for physical and digital environments.

    • In-depth knowledge of current peer support needs.

    • Awareness of Cultural Sensitivity.

    • Trauma informed approach 

    • The ability to communicate peer support information, written and verbal, effectively to a variety of audiences.

    • Conflict-resolution skills.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation pertaining to your domain organized. *

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks. *

      *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family/community gatherings 

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    *Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • High school Diploma or Equivalent with 4-5 years of experience in working with peer support management.

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as communications, social work, human services, or education, with experience is preferred, but not required.

      • A master's degree in a related field is a plus. 

    • Peer Support Specialist Certification from any state.

    Lived Experiences:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Any direct, personal encounters or/and challenges related to individuals who struggle with mental health. 

    • Knowledge gained from personal experiences in different areas of life,  such as education, employment, social interactions, and healthcare while living with mental health challenges.

    • Demonstrated ability to advocate for individuals with mental health challenges across various domains, including education, employment, social interactions, and healthcare.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    Mental Health, Wellness, Accessibility, Empowerment, Human Rights, Active Listening, Curiosity, Avid Learner, Communication, Neurodivergence, Music, Art, Critical Thinker, Well-Organized, Advocacy, Problem Solver

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Improved engagement and satisfaction within a peer support organization directly attributable to your leadership.

    • Development or implementation of a new event, project, group, procedure, or system that benefited the peer community.

    • Any peer support-related award or accomplishment, such as the Sally Zinman Lifetime Achievement Award.

  • Job Brief: We are looking for an enthusiastic and personable individual to join our team as the Outreach Director. In this role, the Outreach Director will be responsible for fostering connections between PerfectlyFlawed and the local community. Additionally, this individual will be tasked with identifying potential partnership opportunities, engaging in networking activities, and supporting the development of coalitions.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Supervision

      • Supervise all Outreach Coordinators 

    • Council Leadership

      • Work with the Coalition Director to lead and support the Coalition Council. Maintain any Coalition Council records such as decisions, financial information, agendas, and meeting minutes.

    • Attend Technology, Initiatives, Voice, Business, and Planning Council

      •  Participate and offer guidance in outreach protocols and policies within the Technology, Initiatives, Voice, Business, and Planning Council.

    • Develop outreach strategies

      • Develop and implement outreach strategies to increase community engagement and awareness of PFP’s products and services.

    • Engage in community relations

      • Develop and maintain relationships with community leaders and service groups.

    • Coalition and partnership relations

      • Foster and maintain existing coalition and partnership relationships.

    • Enhance investor support and development 

      • Cultivate relationships with potential and current investors through the supervision and support of activities.

    • Represent PFP 

      • Positively represent PFP at community events. 

    • Event planning & management 

      • Plan and organize events, including sales, marketing, and coalition programs. They may also help with the logistics of events, such as operations and safety. 

    • Marketing

      • Assist in the development and distribution of marketing materials, such as flyers, handouts, posters, and brochures.

      • Coordinate marketing campaigns.

    • Program development

      • Develop and maintain orientation programs, including the initial orientation session and additional initiatives aimed at welcoming prospective new members. This may also involve the creation of accompanying learning materials to enhance these programs.

    • Data analysis

      • Gather and analyze data on local demographics and needs, and present the findings to the appropriate domains.

    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Networking knowledge and experience.

    • In-depth knowledge of known outreach methods, including marketing, promotions, and networking. 

    • Strong public relations expertise and capabilities.

    • The ability to effectively communicate complex and in-depth knowledge regarding PFP operations and policies to potential business partnerships and coalitions.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    • The ability to keep records and documentation pertaining to your domain organized. * 

      *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family/community gatherings 

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    *Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • High school Diploma or Equivalent with outreach experience 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as communications, public relations, social work, marketing, education, human services, or education, with experience is preferred, but not required.

      • A master's degree in a related field is a plus. 

    • Accreditation in Public Relations (PR) or International Public Management Association for Human Resources Certified Professional (IPMA-CP) certification. 

    • 4+ years of managing the outreach department of a business regardless of education level. 

    Lived Experiences:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Engagement and connection with individuals who have diverse life experiences, that differ from your own. 

    • Knowledge acquired through networking at community events, including conferences, webinars, and public classes.

    • Demonstrated ability to establish and cultivate professional connections for a range of purposes, including educational and employment opportunities.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    Networking, Academic Writing, Puzzles, Diversity, Human Rights, Active Listening, Curiosity, Avid Learner, Communication, Critical Thinker, Strategy Games, Attention to Detail, Creative, Well-Organized, Data Analysis, Problem Solver

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Any networking-related award or accomplishment, such as the Faculty Outreach Award. 

    • Designed and implemented a new procedure or system to improve an established outreach program.

    • Successfully launching an outreach-related project or event.

  • Job Brief: We are looking for a highly organized and detail-oriented individual to oversee the management of PerfectlyFlawed's notes and record-keeping. This role involves managing and delegating tasks assigned by the supervisor or relevant domain. Responsibilities will also include leading and participating in various councils as appropriate. The majority of tasks will pertain to handling company documents and facilitating internal and external communications, though the position may also entail some accounting and inventory responsibilities.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Maintain, update, and store paper and electronic records.

      • Ensure all business files are accurate and accessible to other employees.

    • Transcribe business documents

      • These include reports, letters, etc. 

    • Sort, distribute, and respond to mail 

      • This includes responding to and distributing emails and physical mail to the relevant employees as necessary.

    • Answer inquiries 

      • Based on knowledge of programs and activities provide information to the appropriate domains and individuals.

    • Answer telephone calls and redirect when needed

      • Answer and delegate calls to other employees when appropriate.

    • Issue invoices

      • Follow up on outstanding payments. 

    • Lead Business Council

      • Work with the Accountant to lead and support the planning council. Maintain any Business Council records such as financial decisions, agendas, and meeting minutes.

    • Attend business, executive, and planning council 

      • Participate and offer input based on records for business, executive, and planning councils. 

    • Supervise employees within your domain

      • These include record administrators. 

    • Make travel arrangements

      • Arrange travel accommodations for employee business trips.

    • Ensure people have access to the correct documentation 

      • At this stage of PFP, this will mainly include digital documentation. At times this may mean mailing materials. 

    • Calculate payroll information

      • Manage the distribution of payroll.

    • Investigate payroll discrepancies

      • Work with the Accountant to investigate and resolve any issues or discrepancies related to payroll.

    • Monitor office supplies.

      • Report when stock levels are low to the appropriate employees.

    • Receive goods from suppliers

      • When relevant and accessible, ensure goods supplied correspond with those ordered by PFP.

    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Technical record-keeping knowledge.

    • In-depth knowledge of record-keeping processes.

    • A solid understanding of planning and organizational operations.

    • Ability to analyze and provide insights and recommendations based on knowledge of the operations within PFP.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation organized.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    • The ability to communicate company information effectively to a variety of audiences. *

    *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family/community gatherings 

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    *Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • High school Diploma or Equivalent with clerk experience 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as business administration, with experience is preferred, but not required.

      • A master's degree in clerk or business is a plus. 

    • Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC).

    • 4+ years of managing records for a small business regardless of education level. 

    Lived Experiences:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Keeping and managing records for personal or familial use. 

    • Supervisor or managerial roles in the same or other fields of study. 

    • Personal project management experience.

    • Reorganizing aspects of your personal or professional life to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    Puzzles, Writing, Recording Notes, Well-Organized, Creative, Critical Thinker, Problem Solver, Event Planner, Attention to Detail, Data Analysis 

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    *Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Any organizational or record-keeping-related award or accomplishment.

    • Successfully launching a project or event.

    • Developing or implementing a new procedure or system.

  • Job Brief: PerfectlyFlawed is seeking a Coalition Director who is highly organized, detail-oriented, and an effective communicator, with a passion for collaboration. The role of the Coalition Director involves the process of coalition building, which entails uniting various groups to work towards a shared objective. By leveraging combined resources, the collective impact can be significantly greater than the sum of individual efforts. Consequently, the selected candidate will be responsible for establishing, expanding, and maintaining professional partnerships with a coalition of provider agencies that serve a diverse population.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Build partnerships

      • Build, expand, and maintain partnerships with other organizations.

    • Facilitate Community engagement

      • Establish and strengthen relationships between PerfectlyFlawed coalitions and the broader community, while advocating for its interests within that coalition's network.

    • Communication

      • Develop communication and feedback mechanisms with coalition organizations and members.

    • Lead Coalition Council

      • Work with the Outreach Director to lead and support the Coalitions Council. Maintain any Coalition Council records such as financial decisions, agendas, and meeting minutes. 

    • Representation

      • Represent the coalition at local, county, and state meetings.

    • Strategize

      • Assist coalition organizations and members with strategic planning and develop an action plan.

    • Planning

      • Participate in setting priorities and defining the individual coalition's roles in the community.

    • Attend Executive, Initiatives, Training, and Planning council

      • Participate and offer expertise in accordance with the coalition domains, contributing to initiatives, training, and planning councils.

    • Budgeting

      • Work with the accountant and coalitions within PerfectlyFlawed to set the coalition's budget and appropriate allocation of resources.

    • Brochures

      • Give input for all promotional materials related to PerfectlyFlawed Coalitions.

    • Events

      • Assist in facilitating the planning and execution of coalition events and activities.

    • Provide coaching and management

      • Develop individualized and detailed goals and work plans for coalition members.

    Required Eligibility:

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation organized.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Technical coalition building knowledge and processes.

    • A solid understanding of planning and organizational operations.

    • The ability to build relationships with a diverse range of people.

    • The ability to communicate company information effectively to a variety of audiences.

    • Ability to analyze and provide insights and recommendations based on knowledge of the coalition operations within PFP.

    • Ability to design and maintain effective systems.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more community gatherings

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    ** Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as higher education, public health, or public policy.

      • A master's degree in finance or business is a plus.      

    • Effective and Equitable Coalitions Certificate, INSEAD Advanced Certificate in Corporate Governance, or any other relevant certificate.

    • 4+ years of managing experience in outreach, advocacy, social activism, coalitions building or campaigns regardless of educational status.

    Lived Experiences:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Engaging in networking and enhancing both personal and professional connections through participation in events such as webinars, conferences, and summits.

    • Resolving conflicts in personal or professional settings.

    • Supervisor or managerial roles in the same or other fields of study 

    • Project management experience 

    Special Skills & Interests:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Critical Thinker

    • Strategy Games

    • Well-organized

    • Creative

    • Attention to Detail

    • Puzzles

    • Event Planner 

    • Networking

    • Leadership

    • Communication

    • Writing

    • Teamwork

    • Curios

    • Negotiating 

    • Problem Solver

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Effectively initiated a project or event focused on outreach, specifically around coalition building.

    • Improved on previously established coalition building process and policies.

    • Any networking-related award or accomplishment, such as the Faculty Outreach Award.

    • Any coalition building related awards such as, the Pinnacle Awards, Community Clean Energy Coalition Prize, Billion Acts of Peace Award, or the Blue-Ribbon Coalition Initiative.

  • Job Brief:

    We are seeking a Human Resources Director with strong communication and conflict management skills, as well as the capability to maintain organization and accessibility in all aspects of the role. The Human Resources Director will be responsible for managing the recruitment, screening, and interviewing of job candidates. Additionally, this position will oversee compensation and benefits, training programs, and employee relations initiatives. As the director, you will be expected to delegate tasks effectively among your designated team members.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Policies and protocols

      • Develop and implement human resources policies and procedures that align with sociocratic principles, ensure accessibility, and align with PFP’s drive.

    • Employee Job Descriptions

      • Assist with the development of job descriptions.

      • Assist in identifying staffing needs and revising job descriptions as needed.

    • Compliance

      • Ensure that the company complies with all legal requirements, and that staff members are knowledgeable about any compliance-related issues.

    • Approval of Membership Applications

      • Membership approvals for limited resource and no place like home memberships.

    • Compensation & Benefits

      • Establish and manage employee benefits programs.

      • Ensure that information regarding compensation and benefits is readily available and accessible to all employees of PFP such as health care, retirement, employee life insurance, and more.

    • Share Management

      • Work with other executives for overall management oversight.

      • Oversee management of employee shares.

    • Develop training programs

      • Assess employee skill gaps and collaborate with the Training Director to design and implement training programs that create opportunities for professional development to address these gaps.

    • Budget Management

      • Work with the Executive Accountant to manage the HR department budget efficiently, ensuring cost-effective operations.

    • Recruiting

      • Recruit top talent for executive positions and team leader positions, interview all potential candidates for employment, negotiate employment agreements and make recommendations.

    • Supervision

      • This role will require the supervision of all conflict moderators and HR administrators. 

    • Diversity and Inclusion

      • Work with the Accessibility Officer to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization.

    • Promote a Positive Work Culture

      • Implement employee surveys and feedback mechanisms to assess levels of employee satisfaction.

      • Use feedback to promote a positive work culture and employee engagement initiatives.

    • Attend Support, Executive, Training, Planning and Voice Council

      • Participate and offer expertise in accordance with HR domains, contributing to support and Support, Executive, Training, Planning and Voice councils.

    • Performance management

      • Utilizing Socratic principles, assess individual employee performance challenges and work together to establish appropriate support goals for effective resolution.

    • Collaboration with Employee Representatives

      • Regularly meet with the Accessibility Officer and employe representatives for ongoing feedback.

      • Negotiate collective bargaining with employees as needed.

    • Conflict Resolution

      • Leverage conflict resolution expertise to design, implement, and facilitate conflict resolution meetings. 

      • Provide guidance to members on how to effectively utilize these sessions for mediation purposes.

      • When conflict resolution spaces are not sufficient, assist in finding alternatives for a solution.

    • Address Unsuccessful Support Attempts

      • Manage employee unsuccessful support attempts in accordance with PFP’s policies such as any form of harassment, repeated refusal to complete objectives, misconduct, violation of company policies, falsifying any records, excessive absences, breach of contract, adversely representing PFP, or refusal to utilize sociocracy principles.

    • Oversee Employee Exists

      • Manage employee exits, regardless of nature of exit which may include, but not limited to retirement, resignation, termination, or temporary leave according to the policies of the organization.

    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Human Resources process knowledge.

    • A solid understanding of planning and organizational operations.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation organized.

    • Possess empathy and strong interpersonal skills while interacting with diverse personalities.

    • The ability to communicate human resource processes effectively to a variety of audiences.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

    Relevant Eligibility:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family gatherings

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    ** Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as human resources, business, or communications.

      • A master's degree in human resources, labor relations, or business administration, is a plus. 

    • Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR), Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Global Professional in Human Resources, Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) Associate Professional in Human Resources or any other relevant certificate that may be listed via the following link:

    • 4+ years of managing experience in human resources or human advocacy regardless of educational status.

    Lived Experiences:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Keeping and managing records for personal or familial use. 

    • Reorganizing aspects of your personal or professional life to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

    • Demonstrating or instructing individuals.

    • Supervisor or managerial roles in the same or other fields of study. 

    • Project management experience.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Strategy Games

    • Writing

    • Recording Notes 

    • Well-organized

    • Creative

    • Critical Thinker

    • Problem Solver

    • Attention to Detail

    • Data analysis 

    • Planning Events

    • Leadership

    • Communication

    • Critical Thinker

    • Negotiating 

    • Problem Solver

    • Curios 

    • Avid Learner

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Successfully launching a human resources related project or event.

    • Designed and implemented a new procedure or system to improve an established human resources process or policy.

    • Any Human Resources related award or accomplishment, such as the Human Resources Director (HRD) of the Year Award, Human Resources (HR) Executive of the Year Award, Tharseo Awards, Pinnacle Awards, or Stevie Awards for Great Employers.

  • Job Brief: We are seeking a Training Director who is committed to promoting success in others and thrives in a collaborative environment. This role will involve coaching and mentoring employees within various companies seeking improvements through targeted training programs. Key responsibilities will include evaluating business needs, collaborating with management to coordinate program adjustments, and overseeing employee training initiatives both within PFP and externally.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Assess Training Needs

      • Evaluate business requirements, identify training demands, analyze training feedback, and prepare reports on training effectiveness and related feedback.

    • Research and Resources

      • Monitor industry trends and new advancements in training methodologies.

    • Conduct research, identify, implement, and effectively utilize relevant resources to inform and enhance the curricula of training programs.

      • Use the research and resources found to guide the development of training programs tailored to companies seeking trainings.

    • Training Budget

      • Oversight and implementation of budget and financial goals.

    • Council Leadership

      • Work with the Executive Writer to facilitate the Training Council. 

    • Learning Culture

      • Implement coaching sessions and mentorship programs to cultivate a continuous learning environment within PFP as well as externally.  

    • Manage and supervise PFP’s Training Team

      • Supervise team of trainers and ensure they have the resources and knowledge of the training philosophies and principals, training process, and their role in it.

      • Promote effective communication between team members and trainers.

      • Assist in the development of training and development programs for all levels of PFP field employees.

    • Consult on Internal Learning and Development Events

      • Assist HR director as needed for feedback on internal learning and development programs, not limited to trainings.

    • Participate in councils that are a part of your domain

      • This includes attending executive and planning councils as well as attending business, coalitions, or any other council when requested. 

    • Communication

      • Provide clear instruction and mentorship when communicating with companies interested in or actively utilizing PFP trainings.

    • Auditing

      • Use audits to identify, assess and monitor training needs on external companies based on gaps within the specific business being audited.

      • Identify the specific skills, knowledge and abilities that employees require to be successful in their roles.

      • Translate requirements into training programs that will equip employees for the changes being implemented within their workplace.

    • Manage External Marketable Trainings  

      • Oversee the organization, design, planning and facilitation of training courses.

    • Establishment of Career Development Programs

      • Assist in establishing Career Development support within companies utilizing PFP training. 

    • External Orientations

      • Based on audits for external companies receiving training, train instructors and supervisors in techniques and skills pertaining to the designing, planning, implementation, and facilitating of orientation programs.

      • This should include the development of protocols to coordinate training for new hires during the onboarding process.

    • Follow Up Auditing

      • Offer follow up auditing and skill gap analysis for outside companies that are being offered PFP trainings.

      • Review the outcomes of the follow up auditing and training programs, and make necessary adjustments in accordance with the policies of PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Teach Training Methods

      • Teach training methodologies to specialists from companies participating in PFP training, ensuring they are equipped to effectively instruct new and experienced employees, upon completing PFP training sessions.


    Required Eligibility:

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • A solid understanding of planning and organizational operations.

    • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

    • Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.

    • Ability to analyze trainings and provide insights and recommendations. 

    • Understand the fundamentals of teaching and lesson planning.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • Strong organizational and project management skills.

    • The ability to communicate training processes effectively to a variety of audiences.

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    *Starred bullets are qualifications which may be accommodated.

     Relevant Eligibility:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Lifelong learner 

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family gatherings 

    • Project management experience

    General Technical Skills:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    ** Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as human resources, education, psychology, business, or a related field.

      • A master's degree in human resources, education, psychology, or business is a plus.        

    • Certified SAFe Practitioner (CSP), Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), Master Project Manager (MPM),  or any other relevant certificate.

    • 4+ years of training experience regardless of educational status.

    Lived Experiences:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Demonstrating or instructing individuals.

    • Participating in workshops and trainings to improve your personal or professional life. 

    • Facilitation of any sorts.

    • Planning events.

    • Project management experience.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Creative

    • Attention to Detail

    • Well-organized

    • Puzzles

    • Strategy Games

    • Data analysis 

    • Planning Events

    • Leadership

    • Communication

    • Critical Thinker

    • Negotiating 

    • Problem Solver

    • Curios 

    • Avid Learner

    Awards & Accomplishments:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    •  Successfully launching a training or improving upon an existing training.

    • Any accomplishments related to implementation or facilitation of trainings.

    • Any training related award or accomplishment, such as the Training's Emerging Training Leaders Awards, Training APEX award, or National Facilitator Awards.

  • Job Brief: We are seeking an advocate for accessibility rights beyond the minimum requirements by law. This person will be tasked with making accessibility a core value and empowering every member of PFP to meet career and personal goals while ensuring accessibility is considered in everything the company does.

    Job Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Set accessible policies 

      • Establish accessibility policies and strategic goals.

    • Provide overall accessibility input

      • Provide insights into PFP’s internal planning and policy work based on accessibility knowledge.

    • Ensure that all of PFP is accessible to the appropriate people

      • Ensure people with varying abilities, capacities, and support needs can access products, services, and workspaces.

    • Provide input on pricing points 

      • Based on your understanding of the target population, provide insights regarding the most accessible pricing point for services and products.

    • Increase accessibility to resources and opportunities.

      • Increase accessibility to services, products, and processes within and outside of PFP. 

    • Co-lead Support Council 

      • Co-lead support council with Lead Peer Support Director 

    • Participate in councils that are a part of your domain

      • This includes attending training and planning councils as well as attending voice, coalitions, or any other council when requested. 

    • Be aware of the accessibilities required by law

      • Be clear about the types of access that can be provided and what is required by law. 

    • Legal Responsibilities

      • Handle legal responsibilities related to risk mitigation, especially related to accessibility. 

      • They should also be clear about what types of access can be provided and what is required by law.

    • Assist people with a range of abilities

      • Assist people with a range of capabilities to obtain efficient and effective solutions. 

    • Represent at events

      • Represent PFP at relevant meetings and events.

    • Promote inclusion

      • Promoting inclusion within all domains of PFP.

    •  Approve limited resource members 

      • The limited resource membership is intended to allow our low-income members the benefits of shareholding. This membership must be approved by the Accessibility Officer.

    • Assist in accessibility audits 

      • Assist with understanding how accessibility affects a company’s bottom line when needed. 

    • Supervise employees who fall under the accessibility domain

      • These include the Accessibility Fund Treasurer, Accessibility Fund Clerk, Accessibility Peer Support Auditor, and the Accessibility Corporate Auditor.

    Required Eligibility:

    • Lived experience related to PerfectlyFlawed.

    • A strong value for ethics and trustworthy operations.

    • Ability to make the time and schedule commitments.

    • The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks.

    • Regular access to a personal computer, not counting mobile devices.

    • Familiarity with accessibility best practices for physical and digital environments.

    • The ability to keep records and documentation pertaining to your domain organized.

    • In-depth knowledge of accessibility processes.

    • Ability to analyze information and offer insights and recommendations to enhance accessibility.

    • The ability to communicate accessible information, written and verbal, effectively to a variety of audiences.

    • Understanding of Cultural Sensitivity. 

    • Conflict-resolution skills.

    • The ability to understand and mitigate risks. 

    • Ability to navigate legal standards. *

    • Ability to persuade business entities to embrace accessibility. *

    • Knowledge of the software tools used by the organization. *

    Relevant Eligibility:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Actively working towards personal growth and goals

    • Have a personal mission or drive aligned with PerfectlyFlawed’s drive

    • Have attended two or more family gatherings 

    General Technical Skills:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Windows

    • Mac-iOS

    • Microsoft Office

    • Google Suite 

    • Zoom

    • Facebook

    Educational Background:

    ** Any one of these would qualify you to apply. 

    • High school Diploma or Equivalent with 4+ years of accessibility work experience. 

    • A bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as education or rehabilitation with experience is preferred, but not required. 

      • A master's degree in a relevant field preferred, but not required.

    • Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC), Certified Professional in Accessible Built Environments (CPABE), Certified Professional in Accessibility Auditing (CPAA), or two other accessibility-related certificates.

    Lived Experiences:

    • Any direct, personal encounters or/and challenges related to individuals who have accessibility needs. 

    • Knowledge gained from personal experiences in different areas of life, such as education, employment, social interactions, and healthcare while living with a disability.

    • Demonstrated ability to advocate for individuals with disabilities across various domains, including education, employment, social interactions, and healthcare.

    Special Skills & Interests:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Accessibility 

    • Human Rights 

    • Active Listening

    • Curios

    • Avid Learner

    • Communication

    • Critical Thinker

    • Attention to Detail

    • Puzzles

    • Creative

    • Well-organized

    • Data analysis

    • Advocacy

    • Strategy Games

    • Problem Solver

     Awards & Accomplishments:

    ** Preferred, but not required to apply

    • Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVS)

    • The SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility

    • The Federal Communication Commission Chair's Awards for Advancement in Accessibility (FCC Chair's AAA)

    • Any of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) Recognition Awards

    • Any other Accessibility Achievement or Recognition Awards